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The Reality Circle

Part 8 of "The Reality Circle" (devised by Gallent) is the final part of the course that will cover the conclusions, of the other seven parts, and the recommendations for how our perception of reality can be restored. The Reality Circle Model can be applied to any country that has a perceived democracy.


The Reality Circle


Part 8: Recommendations

The following is part 8 of 8 of "Gallent's Reality Circle Course" that covers the Conclusions and Recommendations to restore our perception of reality. This MUST only be read after completion of the other seven parts of the course as knowledge is the most important aspect that this course provides.


8.1 Conclusions

The Reality Circle has revealed that the paradigm or reality is constantly being altered by an increasing number of globalist-political fanatics, NGOs (e.g. "Anti-Defamation League" and "Open Society Foundations"), IGOs, media corporations and other organisations in order for them to increase their own power and wealth. The feeling that reality is being artificially orchestrated is evident as follows: if you are a women, then you are being cancelled by transgenderism; if you are a white man, then you are being instructed that you must be more humble and less white; and if you are a person of colour, then you are informed that you are a perpetual victim who must vote for far-left politicians in order to be saved. This divisive ideology is being disseminated by the media and organisations (including government, limited companies/corporations and health services) where far-left ideology has infected those organisations. There is solace in the fact that this manipulation of society can be reversed as this is not an evolutionary phenomenon; instead, it is an artificially orchestrated manipulation-of-reality that is designed to subdue the population into being amenable to extremism and globalism ideology.

8.1.1 Behavioural Science

There is empirical evidence that behavioural science is actively being applied, around the world, by the media and other forces to encourage an emotional response from news-viewers that have a proclivity to helping others, and this helps facilitate the ideology that an invasion of illegal immigration is somehow helping humanity when in fact it is orchestrated to increase a loyal-voter-base that wants a globalism agenda. Combine this with numerous other ways that society is constantly being divided, to ensure that outrage is created by everyone, and the result is a society that is very easily controlled and manipulated to accept depravity.

8.1.2 Group Control

The way to witness group control in action is to observe sheep farming. A farmer, utilising a vehicle and/or a dog, will easily control their flock. Sheep instinctively herd together and this makes them very easy to control. If just one sheep decides to deviate from the flock, then there is a risk that other sheep may follow, but this almost never happens, or if it does, then the sheep is quickly rounded up to follow the flock again. This is because sheep have (just like humans) an instinct for there being safety in numbers and believe that they are making their own decision to follow the other sheep into a field-of-captivity, which they perceive as a "green" paradise. This is the homogenous problem the globalists have. Once enough of the population begin to think for themselves (and conclude that perhaps the importance of climate change is a fabricated reality), then there is a danger that they will desist in buying inflated-priced green products. Examples of green-products being as follows: electric cars, heat pumps, wind turbines, solar panels and any form of lucrative green construction. This then reduces the profits and donations to globalists; moreover, this reduces the effectiveness of a global ESG-agenda, and this translates into a diminution of funding for electing typically far-left globalist politicians, who in turn award large grants to "green" energy companies, Therefore, there cannot be dissent in a population because it results in elections and world-order being difficult to manipulate by a network of malevolent globalists running or working for NGOs, IGOs or globalism-obsessed (over national interest) politicians.

Fortunately, for these globalists, there is the media who are the self-elected morality experts that are always ready to deride a climate-change-denier or to impugn someone with terms such as "transphobic". The media can be thought of as globalists' sheepdogs who are responsible for ensuring that order is maintained in a population. A population that questions the optics, portrayed by the media, might elect someone who the globalism-obsessed disapprove of, and then what do you have? Democracy! This is worthless to a globalist as there is no wealth and power in that paradigm. Therefore, the population are manipulated to accept disinformation as follows: climate change is a catastrophic disaster, global wars are for national democracy, black people are always victims and transitioning genders is good for children—to name a few.

8.1.3 Environment

In the past few decades the globalists have attempted to convince us that there was another ice age coming; then it was concluded that it was in fact "Global Warming"; finally, after those hyperboles were exposed, the globalist politicians (following the selective science) concluded that as the temperature of the earth had increased by one degree (over the past few hundred years) that it must instead be a "catastrophe", and they rebranded it "Climate Change"! This is equivalent to a cult-ideology where the cult-leader instils the idea that the world is ending, and only by following the leader will this lead to salvation. Climate change will always exist as it is too lucrative to diminish, and the dissenting testimony of hundreds or even thousands of scientist, who dispute this cult-like ideology, will not attenuate its promulgation. The "climate emergency" also stipulates that everyone on the planet has to pay more for goods and accept restrictions; all of which benefited the political donors of globalist politicians including the following: NGOs, trade associations, Political Action Committees (PACs) and trade unions.

8.1.4 Globalist Grooming

In casual conversation people often speculate about who the globalists are that control the world and often this leads to names of "Big Tech" owners, NGO bosses or globalist-obsessed politicians being flirted around. However, the truth is a bit more sinister. The indoctrination (of globalism and depravity over nationalism and morality) commences in kindergarten/nursery school; it then continues throughout school and into college followed by the workplace. This results in more people than ever that are being manipulated to support a fabricated globalist agenda for the purpose of providing power and wealth to those that control corporations and governments. An employee at an ESG-obsessed corporation, who is fully indoctrinated, will find themselves part of the globalist wealth-and-power agenda if they ascend to the upper echelon of a corporation. Requirements such as personal hygiene, smart appearance and professional attire are no longer prerequisites for positions of power within organisations; instead, a non-traditional belief system is rapidly becoming a winning curriculum vitae (résumé) formula. A belief in discrimination, through DEI training and recruitment, is now the preferred work-experience for promotional prospects. DEI often features in interviews where the candidate is obliged to offer an example of how they have discriminated against "white people" for equity purposes.

Corporations, NGOs and the media all monitor each other for compliance in far-left extremism, under the threat of boycott, making it nearly impossible to become rich and powerful without believing in the following: equity-based (racist) recruitment, unproven climate-change theories and transgenderism ideology. All successful corporations share these beliefs, and the hiring process practically eliminates the possibility of hiring anyone with openly traditional beliefs. Once a new globalist has ascended to the upper echelon of an organisation, then they become sufficiently wealthy to engage in politics and perhaps even form their own NGO, so indoctrination currently results in the ability to control part of the world! This reasoning concludes that the opposite must also be true. If someone is not indoctrinated, and believes in traditional values (such as countries with borders and family values), then their influence over the world will be thwarted by the power of the media who will attempt to discredit their actions by slandering them as either a "climate denier" (for being able to interpret a graph) or a "racist" for not believing in CRT, DEI and ESG ideology. This is why indoctrination must be prevented early in life at schools and colleges because although it leads to control—it is not freethinking control. The directors and CEOs of all corporations control the ideology, which is guided by NGOs and investors, so corporations are increasingly becoming involved in political funding and political correctness. With over 1.5 million NGOs in America alone, then of course not all of these will be engaged in benevolent functions.

8.1.5 20 Point Reality Circle Recap

  • far-left controlled corporations and NGOs, e.g. Facebook's Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), donate or assist in the election of globalist politicians, who will do anything for power.

  • Donors and left-leaning political parties collude with the intelligence agencies (particularly in America) and the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC), who in turn collude with social media and the media to ensure that negative news, on globalist politicians, is mitigated.

  • The Democrat Party in America create victim groups and brand the opposition as "racists" in order to manipulate public opinion. This then becomes a manifesto substitute in order to acquire power.

  • The media promote only positive stories about globalist, usually far-left, political candidates whilst simultaneously running only negative news-stories against opposition candidates.

  • Hollywood use their influence and acting skills to fabricate derogatory stories about conservative candidates, and they promote liberal ideology through their movies.

  • Social media ban accounts of influencers supporting their undesired candidates.

  • Search engines manipulate their results to ensure that positive stories about far-left candidates and negative stories about opposition candidates are promoted. They also deliberately omit websites, from their search index, if they expose the extremist ideology permeating "Big Tech" and other corporations. This ensures that our perception of reality is consistently altered.

  • Once the globalist politician is elected, the politician repays their donors with changes to the law, favourable contracts, positions of power or the promotion of fabricated environmental and social issues. Therefore, an NGO or investment-company can be reimbursed (for their political contribution) with just a single change in the law that favours the expansion of a green agenda, which is known to offer lucrative investment-opportunities to globalists and the organisations they control.

  • Globalist politicians (from outside the United States), guided by the provenance of social-media outrage in America, adopt these homogenous policies. This includes obsession with globalism and social issues to ensure that they are not the target of a negative media campaign. Governments with a globalist agenda exhibit a proclivity to imprisoning anyone that protests against their totalitarianism while allowing crime to be rampant. There is empirical evidence that this happens in the United States of America (under Joseph Biden), Canada and some European countries.

  • Changes to the law mandates that corporations have to adopt far-left globalism practices including climate change and social justice policies.

  • NGOs and predominantly left-wing governments fund reports, which are always written in synchronicity to the accepted narrative, from research companies that purport to be neutral but are in fact controlled by liberal political activists in order to provide credibility to fabricated globalism issues. The erosion of nationalism is a surreptitious way to dispense with capitalism. Without capitalism, then global communism will likely prevail. Increasingly, governments relinquish control of areas of government to NGOs and IGOs (the majority being far-left entities) to ensure that the ideology continues, uninterrupted by elections, in perpetuity.

  • Colleges and Universities apply a race based approach to applicants (in the name of equity) to ensure that certain skin colours, who have been branded as victim groups (in order to convert them to left-wing politics), are prioritised for acceptance.

  • Colleges and Universities indoctrinate students with far-left ideology as overwhelmingly college lecturers and university professors are globalist liberals, and these schools, colleges and universities receive funding from globalist corporations and foundations that often hold far-left extremist views. It is propounded that many college lecturers and professors adopt far-left extremism out of fear of losing their position-of-power (their jobs). This is also demonstrable with politicians. The reinforcement of the ideology causes professors (and leaders of corporations and wider society) to form the belief that they have always held a particular view thus demonstrating how fear can alter reality.

  • Corporations increasingly require college and/or university level qualifications to ensure that job applicants possess follow a globalism ideology instead of traditional values and beliefs.

  • Corporations adopt ESG and DEI priorities over capitalism, as stipulated by large investment-company-shareholders and other entities such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), to ensure that a globalism agenda can be proliferated. Companies fear non-compliance as their products may face a boycott (instigated by political activists and proliferated by social media), which also leads to "cancel culture". Those that are indoctrinated at college, and who reach the upper echelon, qualify for the ability to have influence over the world (as their wealth increases) through the actions of funding globalist politicians. Furthermore, ESG and DEI ideology also affects the recruitment and ideology of NGOs; moreover, this has an effect in areas such as defence, elections, IGOs and other government agencies where the hiring policies ensure that these agencies are either diverse (coloured people branded as victims) or are white people (branded as privileged), but either way anyone with these beliefs are supportive of far-left politics, which is the purpose of this discriminatory recruitment practice. The legal professional has also become infected with this ideology too thus ensuring that there is always lawyers willing to stand-up for invading illegals. All of this ensures far-left control of everything in the world regardless of the political figureheads.

  • Banks also adopt ESG and DEI priorities and other far-left beliefs that they are increasingly applied to individuals and corporations in order to restrict banking services for individuals and corporations that do not align with ESG globalism-agendas. They are also supporting a "cashless society" with the likelihood of being able to impose further controls, on individual spending, through digital currencies.

  • Corporations (following ESG and DEI ideology) boycott advertising mediums (such as TV Channels and news organisations) that do not support a far-left globalism-agenda as demanded by NGOs.

  • ESG-agendas (followed by corporations) are then instilled upon staff to ensure that the products and services created are "Woke" related products.

  • Woke Products are then sold, through ESG compliant companies, in shops (stores) to perniciously manipulate the population into accepting the reality-shift and to promote far-left ideology; books, both fiction and non-fiction, are a good example of this.

  • The new reality is then recorded in the history books, by academics, so that the cycle of indoctrination can continue to rotate; this time from an even more extremist position. This ensures that even school children are not immune to far-left ideology through programs such as CRT and gender studies.

8.1.6 Conclusion Summary

All of this has demonstrated how an extremist far-left globalism-agenda has infested all of the following areas: governments, education and corporations to ensure that the perception of reality can be altered to favour a globalism agenda. This is then supported by globalists, NGOs, globalist politicians (their obsession with power has allowed donors and foreign powers to influence all areas of The Reality Circle), Hollywood, investment companies and far-left corporations in order to control the world for their own power and wealth. Reality can be thought of as being what the majority believe, as it is those beliefs that guide how people act in a society. If a society is being manipulated to believe in a fabricated reality, e.g. climate change, transgenderism and CRT, then a population becomes easy to manipulate by a single-world government (a combination of unelected globalists, IGOs and NGOs) because a population will demand an expansion of world government to tackle climate change. The degradation and manipulation of human emotions can be fixed though by establishing a network of sharing content like ours so that people are better educated. Because it is often those that purport to be fighting for democracy who are in fact the ones that are attempting to alter the perception of reality (and definition of democracy) for their own power and wealth.


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8.2 Recommendations

The Reality Circle Model demonstrates how the reality for the world adapts as the circle rotates, and in copious cases there is no discretion other than to believe in the new reality as it could result in litigation, for a newly created crime, if the reality change was resisted.

8.2.1 Reality Circle Rotation

For every perverse shift-in-reality, there is an increase in the number of laws that govern the revised reality. The organisational forces (behind the elected far-left politicians in Washington and Europe) are one of the main root causes of our fast changing perception of reality, or what is more commonly referred to as "gaslighting". By requiring absolute transparency (of the compensation politicians have traded for election donations) would likely facilitate an attenuation in rotation of "The Reality Circle". The Democrat Party, in America, are also masters at creating victim groups and heartstring "causes", all of which are designed to generate an emotional response so that you will vote for them—this despite the "causes" and "victim groups" being largely a fabrication. Unfortunately, once a victim groups is created, or a liberal "cause" fabricated, then it remains in perpetuity. For example, will a liberal politician ever allow there to be no racism or environmental issues? The short answer is no. This is because these fabricated morality issues aggrandise left-leaning politicians to office. As there is no feasible expectation of these reality altering events dissipating, it is concluded that "The Reality Circle" is likely to always only rotate one way towards entropy; this is because outrage, threat of boycott and virtue-signalling are amplified through the media and social media platforms, so depravity often prevails.

8.2.2 Resist

It is difficult to prevent social media perpetuating changes in our perception of reality. However, it is the media who are the facilitators of the false narrative, and they should be fustigated for their compliance. Unfortunately, a democracy relies on every voter being able to make a free and fair choice without being manipulated. Therefore, the key to resolving any reality-shift is for the voting population to become better educated in developing fortitude and equanimity so that they can resist acquiescing to far-left ideology. This poses a problem because the majority of non-fiction books are written by the liberal-minded as they are predominantly employed in academia; combine this with the media where their reporting, in copious cases, is aimed at deliberately manipulating their viewers into forming an opinion (based on disinformation or disinformation-by-omission) in order to appease their executive level, and then a free and fair election becomes virtually impossible without intervention. This manipulation can also be thought of as a form of Election Fraud.

8.2.3 Fourteen Steps to Repair Reality

  • Create a plan to remove all indoctrination from schools, colleges and universities; for example, in the following areas: left-biased reading material, access to biased encyclopaedias (including online ones) and teachers who seek to promote their extremist views; all of which should be obviated. The curriculum needs to be replaced with teaching students to be critical-thinkers (about books, media etc.) instead of indoctrinated-thinkers. This will ensure that corporations commence recruitment of applicants with traditional values and beliefs from the next generation of students.

  • Criminalise NGO organisations that preponderate political activities or Marxist extremism; if far-left politicians cannot appeal to individual voters, then they are not representatives of the people. Confidence that elections are "free and fair" and not "bought and unfair" must be restored. Therefore, it is recommended that "Political Action Committee" (PAC) donations in America (particularly Super PACs which are allowed to raise even more money to influence politics) are reviewed with the view to tightening legislation or regulating them, starting with "Future Forward" (FF PAC) and "Mind the gap" (MTG PAC).

  • Control and restrict illegal immigration to prevent the following: a degradation of morality, election interference, and a cancellation of culture. All of which is quickly progressing towards a "culture revolution".

  • Mandate all banks to provide banking services, and restrict investment-companies from being able to acquire large blocks of stock in order to exert an influential control over large corporations.

  • Limit digital currency adoption and retain a society that is able to trade in physical money in order to prevent totalitarian control over microeconomic spending.

  • Classify unsolicited letters (sent to corporations) stipulating an obligatory political-allegiance as a criminal offence; this is modern-day blackmail, committed by NGOs, in order to exert control over all corporations. A harsh sentence is needed to prevent a breakdown of free-market economies.

  • Indict any one or any company who demands a boycott of a company's goods or services so that capitalism is protected. This ensures that individuals can make a free choice over the goods and services they consume, and it prevents corporations from being forced to prioritise socialist ESG-agendas and DEI promotion above capitalism. The non-white population of America must also reject the Democrat Party in America to assist in ending the promotion of racist recruitment and victim group ideology that is solely designed to garner votes for the Democrat Party; these two methods will help facilitate the demise of DEI and ESG agendas that are effectively modern-day discrimination practices.

  • Reduce the number of IGOs (particularly part of the United Nations), and prohibit any political donations from any part of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC). Furthermore, legislate to prevent interference from any NGO connected with MIC, in particularly those connected with NATO. No NGO should ever have any political influence over NATO; the organisation must work as a military alliance only without a political agenda. This is further extended to the intelligence agencies. While it may, in limited circumstances, be argued that overthrowing foreign governments is important to preserve "democracy", all too often these organisations are involved in election interference in domestic elections, e.g. by instigating online censorship.

  • Disband or sever ties with organisations like The World Economic Forum (WEF)—their policy of pressuring countries (into adopting laws that will make non-compliance of their environmental agenda a criminal offence) is dystopian; moreover, governments need to disband or sever ties with all other globalism-centric NGOs, foundations and political organisations that are solely focused on virtue-signalling and globalism-agendas; this includes all of the organisations that are now controlling areas of government to ensure democracy is circumvented. Focus should revert to national growth, as guided by the democratic vote.

  • Disband, regulate or investigate George Soros's "Open Society Foundations" (now controlled by his son); moreover, to investigating whether the foundation globally interferes with elections and negatively impacts morality, George Soros should also be denied the power to alter the rule-of-law. George Soros is particularly active in America, where he utilises his wealth and foundation contributions to exclusively fund progressive district attorneys. The district attorneys, who he provides election funding for, all have a proclivity of being soft on Democrat criminals and an obsession with investigating Republicans.

  • Relocate all intelligence agencies out of Washington (America) to other States in order to reverse their politicised agenda of election interference. This applies to all other workers and agencies in Washington (Deep State) who work against "We the people ...". In a connected world this will also ensure that elections are "free and fair" in other parts of the world too; the world always looks to America for leadership.

  • Prevent the flow of drugs into the country (all countries) that enter via the postal system, unprotected border and the gangs involved in the manufacturing of illegal drugs in western countries. In addition, the advertising of legal pharmaceuticals, which can also cause addiction, needs to end in America. The population must be allowed a clear mind to freely exercise their right to vote.

  • Reduce the media's malicious influence by reintroducing the "FCC fairness doctrine" to ensure that broadcasters need to cover opposing viewpoints. The news is not impartial when the majority of news is opinion based.

  • Finally, the one change that could correct much of reality in an instant, but would never be introduced due to hysteria, is to globally disconnect-the-internet. It is concluded that the internet cannot be regulated, as this would be equivalent to China's method, and this would likely facilitate even greater levels of manipulation to our perception of reality. The internet is by far the most prolific method of criminality and disinformation. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI), and how seriously governments and technology companies are beginning to take this, illustrates the perniciousness of the next level of evolution for the internet. By deleting the internet the manipulation in the following areas would dissipate: war propaganda, globalism, election disinformation, news-organisation reach, indoctrination, human and child trafficking, selective science and groups that specialise in destruction under the guise of environmental and social justice. Reality would revert back to community interactions, and if the media were required to report balanced and factually, rather than opinion-based news, then reality would no longer be obfuscated.

8.2.4 Summary

By implementing all of the above even though it is conceded that not everything would be feasible, which is why research reports are often manipulated for acceptance, then the only methods of reality-manipulation remaining would be as follows: foreign powers, government propaganda, organisations colluding and Hollywood, but even this would be diminished. The ability to transmit and coordinate our perception of reality would be severely limited if the internet was obviated from the paradigm. Mass-voter-turnout to mitigate election fraud, from voters rejecting globalist or left-leaning candidates, would also assist in retaining the reality of traditional values and beliefs; furthermore, if world leaders would state: "We are not altering our society, values and reality just so that the Democrat Party in America can garner extra votes to repay their donors", then this would also save individual countries from far-left extremist ideology and reality manipulation. Many eastern countries advance this a step further by codifying their values to preserve society values from the influence of far-left ideology that is proliferated by NGOs and other entities. Unfortunately, the media will always influence our perception of reality, as that is human bias, but reintroducing the FCC fairness doctrine in America would help to attenuate the deliberate worldwide bias of media organisations. Therefore, it is propounded that our society is largely built on perception, rather than reality, but it remains important to limit, where possible, any medium that actively seeks to influence reality for malicious purposes.

8.2.5 Saving the Future

All of the above has provided recommendations for restoring our perception of reality now, and that is important, especially in America, but unfortunately if another extremist-government (like the Biden regime) obtains power again, then all the progress will be reversed.

We learnt, from the Conclusions section, that Indoctrination = Control of the World, and if that is true, then the reverse must be true: preventing indoctrination (through "causality") must prevent the control of the world in the future.

How is this achieved? All parents MUST become involved at schools to prevent their children from being indoctrinated with non-traditional beliefs and fabricated morality. Children naturally copy what is taught to them, and they are far more likely to form longterm memories of the new information, so this is why targeting children (with extremist non-traditional beliefs) has in the past been so effective on children, and this is why it must be prevented. Parents should aspire to be elected onto school boards (termed governors in other countries). Parents are branded "Domestic Terrorists" in America because they are attempting to prevent the indoctrination of those that will control the world in the future. Therefore, parents are important even though there is an attempt to erode the nuclear family. It is important that parents are prepared with substantial notes and remain calm when addressing school boards and teachers; a calm person is far more difficult to dismiss than an irate parent that can be forcibly removed. If the indoctrination is halted at school, then groups can be formed in colleges to offset the indoctrination there; this in turn will prevent indoctrinated students from entering the workplace. This would then ensure that traditional values are present in the following areas: corporations, media, books, and it would ensure that more teachers possess traditional values that will lead to better education in schools (including poorer areas) to ensure that more disadvantaged children can go to college—a college that is free of indoctrination. This will prevent organisations and NGOs developing extremist ideological agendas that are increasingly leading to a collapse in morality. Finally, there needs to be more parents; the legal population must have more children to ensure that the votes of the future population are not diluted by the illegal population. A greater number of legal citizens will also ensure that the quality of lawmakers (around the world) increases so that traditional values and countries can be preserved.

8.2.6 Final Thoughts

There will only be a minority that know reality—until those who are manipulating reality allow their followers to possess the wisdom of truth.

A man must become strong enough to reject what he knows to be untrue—because only then will he see the reality that his enemy has hid from him.

8.2.7 Retaking the Course

Thank you for taking our course. If you wish to learn more about how our reality is being manipulated, then consider reading the Election Fraud 2020 and Election Fraud 2024 pages.

This course was designed to expand the knowledge of the reader, and it is being continuously updated to be relevant in a changing world. Therefore, it is recommended that you bookmark the Home Page of this course, read it again in the future, and share the course with anyone who may benefit from it.


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